Steam bans erotic games with young-looking characters

The developers of several adult-oriented visual novels say they’ve received letters from Valve informing them that their games won’t be published on Steam due to their characters appearing to be under age. Steam pages for several adult-themed games have been pulled down in the last couple weeks, Kotaku reports. Those include Cross Love, Hello Goodbye, MaoMao Discovery Team, and Imolicious, all of which have characters who appear to be of high school age and younger. However, the developers all say their games have taken steps to make it clear that their characters are at least 18 years old. Top Hat Studios, developers of Cross Love, shared the email they received from Steam on Twitter. “While we can ship most titles on Steam, we found that this one does features themes of child exploitation,” it read. “Because of that, the app has been banned and cannot be reused.” Top Hat went on to say they believe Cross Love is being targeted not because it has young-looking characters, but because it tells the story of a yaoi romance in which one partner is a cross-dressing male. Further, the studio says, it has taken pains to show in the story that both parties are at least 18 years old, going beyond the usual disclaimer card at the opening of the game.

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