Valve approves a Steam game with an orgasm tracker

Last month, a game called Niplheim’s Hunter - Branded Azel was among the titles caught in limbo when Valve put an end to adult games featuring underage characters. Steam representatives never made clear why Niplheim’s Hunter was among the games affected during that time, and publisher HappyHand disputed that the title featured any characters below a socially acceptable age of consent. In a new announcement, the publisher writes that “Steam contacted me and said there has been a misunderstanding on their part and there's no problem with shipping Niplheim's Hunter on Steam!” Valve hasn’t yet explained exactly why the game was held up, but the team behind the game is looking for details. In the meantime, Niplheim’s Hunter will be available via Steam on January 7. The base game doesn’t feature any notable content - only anime girls with improbable proportions in even more improbable outfits - but a free mature content patch will launch alongside it with some notable additions. I don’t want to lose any of the nuance here, so I’ll just offer some quotes direct from the Steam page. (That’s only viewable if your mature content filters allow for it.)

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