Sexy Steam games delayed indefinitely while Valve builds new store filters

Steam’s putting adult content on ice while Valve implements a new set of content filters on Steam, according to one visual novel developer. Dharker Studio was set to launch Negligee: Love Stories on September 7, but after talking with Valve about an unusually lengthy review process, that release date is now set to “When Steam Says OK.” Dharker says it got in contact with Valve after failing the early submission process without a clear reason why. The studio quotes a Steam rep as saying “We’re right in the middle of building some features into Steam for customers to be able to choose the type of products they see in the store. Your game has content in it that needs these features to be completed and shipped first. You’ll have to do some additional store page work around describing the content in your game once we have completed those features.” Pressed for more specific info about a timeline, that rep says “Assume months at this point. The work is progressing, but not close enough to give a time frame.” Dharker has shared these quotes in a Steam community announcement, and a screenshot of the conversation hit Twitter via another visual novel developer.

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